Oil Filters

For use in domestic, commercial and industrial boilers for all grades of fuel oil. From 28 sec. to industrial grade including waste oil.

Ref. No.


Box Qty

Price £

7045201AL 1/4" Aluminum Bowl 100 5.60
7045201PL 1/4" Plastic Bowl 100 5.06
7045101AL 3/8" Aluminum Bowl 100 5.67
7045101PL 3/8" Plastic Bowl 100 5.45
7020701AL 1/2" Aluminum Bowl 10 22.50
7030201AL 1/2" Aluminum Bowl 20 12.55
7030201PL 1/2" Plastic Bowl 20 13.70
7010101AL 1" Aluminum Bowl 5 28.10
2100801 1" Self Clean 1 96.60
7015703GL Filter with electrical heater 1 189.75
7035010P Filter 100 micron 5 17.70
70351006P Filter with 60 micron 5 18.00
70370006 3/8" 60 micron 5 17.60
7037001 3/8" 100 micron 5 16.55
7037201RE Filter with 100 micron 1 77.10
704510015 3/8" Oil Filter c/w Paper Filter 100 6.20
70451101AL Without bleed screw 100 4.70
70451101PL Without bleed screw 100 5.00
704520015AP 1/4" Oil Filter c/w Paper Filter 100 6.58
U60450015P Replacement Paper Filter 100 2.27

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